Sunday, 19 February 2012

Easy To Love!!

"...Love is more important than all the spiritual gifts exercised in the church body.  Great faith, acts of dedication or sacrifice, and miracle-working power produce very little without love.  Love makes our actions and gifts useful.  Although people have different gifts, love is available to everyone. " Application Study Bible
Good Morning Family and Friends:
You may disagree, but some people are easier to love than others.  I know most of you are more evolved than I am and love everyone instantly. However, from time to time God puts a special someone in my path to test the limits of my love (none of you...maybe 1 or 2).  John15:17 says "This is my command: Love each other". This simple short verse is repeated numerous times.  The thing about short verses with heavy words like 'command' and 'love' is that there is not wiggle room.  There is no ambiguity.  God expects us to do exactly what he says.  What does this mean for me and my attitude towards persons who I find challenging to love?  Well...I go to God in prayer and ask him to adjust my attitude and help me to love sincerely from the heart.  I can almost see eyes rolling in disbelief but I'm telling you prayer works for me.  Give it a try and see what happens. Furthermore, I have to  ask myself, "who am I to withhold my love when Christ gives it so freely to me?"...Puts me in my place every time.
My encouragement to you is to show love everyday.  Love is more that a warm fuzzy feeling, it is a verb.  Listen patiently as your long winded Grandmother tell that story of when she was a girl, even if you have heard it 100 times before ("Love is patient and kind"1Cor13:4).  Offer to watch your sibling's 'challenging' children because you love her and she needs a break (this will cause many of you to struggle myself included).  Pick up the phone and tell somebody you love them. "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love."1Cor13:13. You are all definitely the most lovable people on the planet.

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